LIS Pro 3D is a commercial extension for the free and open source GIS SAGA, which provides tools for the professional processing of 3D point cloud data. The software is a fully modular and fully automatable (command line scripting, Python, C++) processing engine that runs on 64-bit GNU/Linux and Windows operating systems.


LIS Forestry

The package contains tools for forest masking, crown coverage computation, single tree derivation, tree shape metrics, creation of 3D vector models of trees and volume calculations (biomass, stem volume). Applications include silvicultural analyses and management and the creation of map layers for tree cadastres.

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LIS Geology

The package contains tools for structural geology, including tools to derive the bedding orientation from lineaments, to create pole plots, to derive discontinuity sets and joint planes, to calculate joint spacings, and to perform kinematic failure analyses. Applications are slope stability analyses and the derivation of block sizes.

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LIS City Modeller

The package contains tools for the automatic delineation of building footprints (LOD0) and building models (LOD1 and LOD2) from point cloud data. Applications are map layers and 3D city models, which can be enriched with further information.

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LIS Road Modeller

The package contains tools for the automatic classification of high-density laserscanning data (MLS/TLS) into the classes ground, walls, roofs, trees and poles. Applications are map layers (e.g. locations of trees and poles) and road inventories.

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LIS Analysis

The package contains tools for the in-depth analysis of point cloud data like 3D distance measurement between two point clouds, normal vector and positional accuracy estimation, the calculation of various point features by neighborhood analysis (including height features, density features, geometric features, local plane features and Eigenvalue features), the calculation of segment features for object-based classification, statistical analyses and fuzzy c-means clustering.

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LIS Arithmetic

This package contains tools for grid and point cloud arithmetics, including point cloud attribute calculations, height normalization, multitemporal change detection, and corridor mapping (vegetation encroachment).

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LIS Classification

The package contains tools for supervised and unsupervised point cloud classification, including the derivation of geometric primitives like lines, planes and volumes, and the classification of point clouds into the classes ground, building, vegetation, power lines and pylons.

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LIS Colors

This package contains tools for color processing like the colorization of point clouds by orthoimages or color space conversions (RGB to HSV and vice versa).

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LIS Conversion

This package contains tools for various spatial data type conversions like point cloud to raster tools (and vice versa, including a lot of additional features like different interpolation methods, statistical aggregation, point cloud normalization and classification) and tools for bounding box generation from data in different formats.

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LIS Point Cloud Editor

The package contains a 3D point cloud editor which allows you to relabel point cloud attributes or to delete points. It also supports the fitting of a plane to selected points in order to derive the 3D orientation. Manifold visualization options for point clouds, raster data sets and 3D vector layers are provided. Applications are the 3D visualization and inspection of point clouds as well as the manual improvement of filtering and classification results.

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LIS Filtering

This package contains tools for outlier removal from points clouds, point cloud filtering based on attributes, majority filtering of point clouds, point cloud classification based on raster surfaces and morphological filtering of raster data sets.

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This package extends SAGA's comprehensive import and export functionality by adding additional point cloud and vector data formats. It also includes tools for preparing files for use in virtual point cloud data sets.

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LIS Orientation

The package contains tools for point cloud and image registration and orientation, including a 3D point cloud registration editor and tools for the derivation of transformation matrices as well as iterative closest point adjustment (ICP). Applications are the registration of multiple scan positions and the reconstruction of camera poses (supporting the lens types telephoto, panorama and hemisphere).

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LIS Profiles

This package contains tools to query, inspect and plot transects from point clouds, raster and vector layers.

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LIS Segmentation

The package contains a comprehensive set of point cloud segmentation and region growing tools, each dedicated to specialized tasks. Applications include the segmentation of point clouds by robust plane or line fitting and the segmentation of ground, building and vegetation points.

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LIS Terrain Analysis

The package contains tools to derive terrain breaklines and to calculate surface roughness as well as local morphometry features like slope, aspect, curvature and shadings from point clouds. Applications are digital terrain analysis and mapping products.

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LIS Thinning

This package contains tools for point cloud thinning, including 2D and 3D blockthinning, TIN-based thinning as well as tools for adaptive thinning based on local surface roughness.

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LIS Tools

This package provides general tools for raster and point cloud processing, including attribute management, spatial clipping as well as subset extraction based on attribute values.

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LIS Vectorizer

The package contains tools for the delineation of 3D vector representations from point cloud data. This includes (constrained) Delaunay triangulation, the creation of decimated meshes and polygon outlines from point cloud segments as well as volumetric analyses based on 3D hulls of point cloud segments.

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LIS Virtual

This package contains tools to create and manage data catalogs (virtual point clouds describing a mosaic of point cloud data sets). Data catalogs provide seamless data access for data dissemination and mass data processing. This includes tools for spatial subset extraction (clipping), retiling, gridding and thinning. Data catalogs can be created from SAGA point clouds, LAS/LAZ files or Riegl RDBX files.

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LIS Visualization

This package contains tools for the creation of visualization products from point clouds, including an orthoimager and a point cloud photographer supporting different lens types.

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LIS Voxel

This package contains tools to create and analyse voxel representations of point clouds. This includes statistical measures as well as the calculation of point counts and interception ratios per voxel.

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SAGA - System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses

The System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses (SAGA) is a well known free and open source GIS, providing a comprehensive set of processing tools for raster and vector data. We are contributing to the project on different levels being part of the SAGA GIS development team, maintainer of the project web page and user forums, and funding member of the SAGA User Group Association.

We provide professional services for SAGA, including consultancy, automation (scripting) and tool development.

Most of the project resources are hosted on sourceforge, including binaries, source code, documentation/tutorials, user forums, wiki and bug tracker. Besides that, additional information like references (documentation, research papers, API reference, tool reference) can be found on the project's homepage.

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