
LIS Vectorizer - vector representations from point clouds

This package contains tools for the delineation of 3D vector representations from point cloud data. This includes (constrained) Delaunay triangulation, the creation of decimated meshes and polygon outlines from point cloud segments as well as volumetric analyses based on 3D hulls of point cloud segments.

Tool: Catenary Curve Fitting

• vectorization of power line cables by catenary curve fitting
• input: classified and segmentized point cloud
• output: 3D line shapes layer
• attributes include cable identifier and elasticity parameter alpha
• modelling of power line cables

Tool: Create Decimated TIN

• creation of a decimated TIN from a point cloud, ususally a bare earth model
• iterative densification of the TIN until a user-defined maximum deviation to the input point cloud is met
• output: 3D polygon shapes layer
• adaptive meshing, sensitive to surface roughness and terrain breaks

Tool: Extrude Shapes

• extrusion of polygon shapes layers to create 3D block models (LOD1) from outlines with relative height information
• creation of 3D block models (LOD1)

Tool: Extrude Shapes (absolute Z)

• extrusion of polygon shapes layers to create 3D block models (LOD1) from outlines with absolute height information
• creation of 3D block models (LOD1)

Tool: Insert Breaklines into TIN

• insertion of 3D breaklines into a TIN by constrained Delaunay triangulation
• optional clipping of the TIN to an area-of-interest (AOI)
• mesh improvement by breakline insertion

Tool: Polygon Outlines from PC Segments

• creation of planar 3D polygonal shapes (outlines) from point cloud segments
• optional line simplification
• optional polygon rectification to the main directions of the point cloud segment
• outlines of point cloud segments, e.g. building roofs/walls, joint planes
• planar patches for point cloud accurracy control

Tool: Triangulate Segments

• creation of 3D meshes from point cloud segments
• each segment is triangulated on its own
• adaptive meshing, a maximum deviation to the original data can be specified
• optional: (non-planar) segment outlines
• meshes of point cloud segments
• segment outlines

Tool: Volume Shapes from PC Segments

• creation of polygonal shapes from point cloud segments by Delaunay tetrahedralization
• output: 3D polygon shapes layer of mesh
• vector representation of voluminous objects
• volume calculation in 3D