
LIS Orientation - point cloud and image registration

This package contains tools for point cloud and image registration and orientation, including a 3D point cloud registration editor, and tools for the derivation of transformation matrices as well as iterative closest point adjustment (ICP). Applications are the registration of multiple scan positions and the reconstruction of camera poses (supporting the lens types telephoto, panorama and hemisphere).

Tool: Apply Shift Grids to Point Cloud

• application of shift grids to the x,y,z coordinates of a point cloud
• point cloud georeferencing
• height conversion from ellipsoidal to orthometric heights

Tool: Apply Transformation Matrix

• transformation of point clouds / 3D shapefiles by a given 4x4 transformation matrix
• application of the inverse of the transformation matrix
• point cloud registration / transformation

Tool: Combine Matrices

• combine multiple 4x4 transformation matrices into a single combined matrix
• point cloud registration / transformation

Tool: Create Target Primitives

• reconstruction of primitives from target point sets (scanned targets)
• target types: sphere, rectangle/planar, centroid, centroid (minimum z)
• point cloud registration
• preparation of tie points for transformation matrix derivation

Tool: Derive Transformation Matrix

• derivation of a 4x4 transformation matrix between a slave and a master target point cloud
• consideration of scaling, optional
• point cloud registration
• transformation matrix derivation (see also 'Apply Transformation Matrix' tool)

Tool: Invert Matrix

• invert a 4x4 transformation matrix
• point cloud registration / transformation

Tool: Iterative Closest Point Adjustment

• iterative minimization of distances between two point clouds by ICP
• derivation of a 4x4 transformation matrix
• usage of pre-computed point normals, optional
• convergence control by RMS error or maximum number of iterations
• refinement of point cloud registration
• transformation matrix derivation (see also 'Apply Transformation Matrix' tool)
• point cloud transformation

Tool: Point Cloud Registration Editor

• 3D viewer for simultaneous editing of two point clouds, separate views for each point cloud
• definition of rectangular subsets for viewing details
• selection of points by rectangle or polygon
• deletion of selected points (or the inverse)
• labelling of selected points (registration target ID)
• point attribute value report on mouse-over
• labelling of registration targets / tie points in 3D
• preparation of tie points for transformation matrix derivation

Tool: Prepare Data for Registration

• pre-processing of raw point cloud data for editing and registration
• creation of relevant attribute fields
• merging of main scan and its fine scans (of targets) into a single data set
• creation of a scanner object (scanner position)
• data set preparation for point cloud registration

Tool: Reconstruct Camera Pose

• camera pose derivation by correlation of point cloud tie points and image tie points (resection)
• reconstruction of camera position and orientation for a given image
• supported lense types: tele, panorama, hemisphere
• derivation of camera pose from point cloud and image data
• data pre-processing for point cloud texturing with image ('Point Cloud Photographer' tool)
• data pre-processing for image creation from point cloud ('Point Cloud Photographer' tool)

Tool: Rotate PC to Horizontal Plane

• rotation of point cloud datasets to the horizontal plane for further (in most cases grid-based) processing
• output of the transformation matrix
• rotation of point clouds with more or less vertical structures to the horizontal plane
• preparation of grid-based processing (and attachment of processing results back to the point cloud later)

Tool: Shift Points along Vector

• transformation of the points of a point cloud by shifting them a certain distance along a direction vector
• direction vector can be unique for each point, shifting distance can be global or per point
• point cloud transformation, e.g. shifting ground points along surface normal by a certain degree (soil/glacier/snow thinkness)

Tool: Transform Point Cloud

• shifting, rotation and/or scaling of a point cloud
• point cloud transformation
• e.g., application or removal of a "false easting"
• e.g., rotation of a point cloud in the scanner coordinate system