
LIS City Modeller - building models

The package contains tools for the automatic delineation of building footprints (LOD0) and building models (LOD1 and LOD2) from point cloud data. Applications are map layers and 3D city models, which can be enriched with further information.

Tool: Assign Roof Segments to Buildings

• assign building roof segments to building footprints provided in a polygon shapes layer
• invalidate roof overhangs extending into a footprint from a neighboring footprint
• point cloud preprocessing for LOD2 building modelling

Tool: Building Aware Point Cloud Tiling

• adaptive tiling, each building is completely in one tile
• works with available building identifiers or creates identifiers by spatial region growing
• preparation of point cloud data for building modelling
• mass data processing

Tool: Export Shapes to CityGML

• export of 3D building shapes layers to a CityGML 2.0 file making use of additional information
• export special attributes of the CityGML standard like measured height or postal adresses
• export all other attributes as generic attributes, e.g. building capacity
• export geometries as MultiSurface or Solid with user-defined coordinate precision
• export of building models to CityGML for use in third party software

Tool: Export Shapes to CityJSON

• export of 3D building shapes layers to a CityJSON file making use of additional information
• export special attributes of the CityJSON standard like measured height or postal adresses
• export all other attributes as generic attributes, e.g. building capacity
• export geometries as MultiSurface or Solid with user-defined coordinate precision and compression (optional)
• export of building models to CityJSON for use in third party software

Tool: LOD0/1 Building Modeller

• creation of polygonal shapes of buildings from a point cloud which has individual buildings labelled by unique identifiers
• support of two levels of detail: (i) 2D polygonal shapes of the building footprints (LOD0) and (ii) 3D polygonal shapes from extruded building footprints (LOD1)
• outline simplification and rectification
• courtyard detection (based on minimum gap area)
• derived attributes: building area, building elevations (min, max, mean, median, standard deviation), building volume
• derivation of building footprints (LOD0)
• derivation of 3D building models (LOD1)
• map layers and 3D city models
• spatial planning

Tool: LOD2 Building Modeller

• creation of LOD2 building models (with roof structures) from a from a point cloud, a raster DTM and building footprints
• data driven modelling of the building roof structures (no usage of roof templates)
• outline simplification and polygon rectification
• derived attributes: building identifier and surface class (ground, wall, roof)
• derivation of 3D building models (LOD2)
• map layers and 3D city models
• 3D visualization products, e.g. for architecture, spatial planning, tourism, virtual reality, gaming

Tool: LOD2 Building Statistics

• calculation of various statistics and measurements for LOD2 building models
• attributes get attached to the building models
• derived attributes: building capacity, building capacity above ground, eaves elevation, maximum elevation (gable elevation), mean elevation, minimum elevation, measured height, slope of roof, aspect of roof
• enrichment of 3D building models (LOD2) with additional information