
LIS Tools - a set of versatile tools

This package provides general tools for raster and point cloud processing, including attribute management, spatial clipping as well as subset extraction based on attribute values.

Tool: About LIS

• retrieve general and license information about the running LIS Pro 3D instance
• product information and licencing

Tool: Attach Grid Values to Point Cloud

• attachment of values from grid datasets as attribute(s) to each point
• attachment of additional, raster-based information to a point cloud

Tool: Attach Point Index as Attribute

• attachment of the index of each point in the point cloud as attribute
• analysis and storage of the sorting of the points within a point cloud file

Tool: Clip Point Cloud with Extent

• extraction of a point cloud subset
• clipping area is defined by either the extent of a shapes layer or by coordinates
• several options how to handle points lying on the border of the clipping extent
• extraction of spatial subsets from a point cloud dataset
• removal of tile overlaps in seamless data processing workflows

Tool: Clip Point Cloud(s) [interactive]

• extraction of subsets from one or several point cloud datasets
• area-of-interest is defined interactively by either dragging a box or by digitizing a polygon
• extraction of spatial subsets from a point cloud dataset

Tool: Clip Point Cloud(s) with Shapes

• extraction of subsets from one or several point cloud datasets
• area-of-interest is defined by either the extent or the polygons of a shapesfile
• optionally only the selected polygons are processed
• extraction of spatial subsets from a point cloud dataset

Tool: Close Gaps by Horizontal Plane

• closing of NoData gaps in a grids dataset by a horizontal plane
• the elevation of the plane is determined from the boundary cells of the NoData gap
• optionally an offset can be applied to the plane
• gap filling in DTM datasets (removed buildings or water bodies)

Tool: Create Point Cloud Attribute

• create a new point cloud attribute with a default value
• attribute management
• point cloud editing

Tool: Drop Point Cloud Attributes

• deletion of attributes from a point cloud
• removal of attributes, e.g., temporary processing results

Tool: Extract Subset from Point Cloud

• extraction of a subset of a point cloud based on attribute values
• extraction based on a single value, a range of values or value ranges specified in a lookup table
• extraction of point cloud subsets, e.g., all groud points or all points which show an intensity greater than a threshold value

Tool: Intensity Correction

• model driven correction of the LiDAR intensity signal
• correction methods (can be used in combination): atmospheric attenuation, range normalization, topographic influence
• intensity correction (applied to flight strips or scan positions)

Tool: Invert Normals

• inversion of point cloud normals
• inverting normal direction

Tool: Join Attributes

• joining of attributes from a second point cloud to the input point cloud based on a unique identifier
• attributes to join can be selected
• attachment of information from one point cloud to another

Tool: Join Attributes From Table

• joining of attributes from a table to the input point cloud based on a unique identifier
• attributes to join can be selected
• points without matching identifier can be dropped
• attachment of information from a table to a point cloud

Tool: Join Attributes by NN Search

• joining of attributes from a second point cloud to the input point cloud based on a nearest neighbor search
• maximum distance threshold
• attributes to join can be selected
• attachment of information from one point cloud to another, e.g., classification

Tool: Map Point Cloud to Scanner

• mapping of points of a point cloud to scanner positions or trajectories based on GPS time, position identifier, or nearest neighbor search
• created attributes: direction vector pointing to the scanner position, scanner position, range to scanner, polar angle, azimuthal angle
• attachment of the direction vector to scanner in order to correctly estimate the normal vector orientation
• attributes for quality-based filtering and accuracy estimation

Tool: Merge Point Clouds

• merging of two or more point clouds into a single dataset
• optionally a unique identifier attribute field can be added
• merging of point clouds from different scan positions or flight strips

Tool: Orient Normals

• re-orient normals of a point cloud in a consistent way
• methods: user-defined reference normal, global normal, normal per cluster, direction to scanner, minimum spanning tree
• correction of normal vectors

Tool: Reclassify Point Cloud Attribute

• reclassification of points based on attribute values
• reclassification based on a single value, a range of values or value ranges specified in a lookup table
• special options for NoData values and values outside the classification range
• reclassification of point clouds based on attribute values, e.g., merge three vegetation classes into one

Tool: Remove Overlap from PC Tiles

• removal of spatial overlap from point cloud tiles
• bounding boxes of tiles are defined in a polygon shapes layer
• reading of all files in an input directory and writing of the result to another directory
• removal of spatial overlap from point cloud tiles after processing

Tool: Retile Point Cloud

• retiling of a point cloud into several datasets based on a polygon shapes layer
• tiles are defined by the bounding boxes or by the (irregular) shapes of the polygons
• output directly to disk, optionally
• spatial retiling of point clouds, e.g., in order to generate smaller tiles for data processing or for use in a virtual point cloud dataset

Tool: Sort Point Cloud by Attribute

• sorting of the points of a point cloud based on attribute values
• point cloud sorting, e.g. by gps-time or intensity

Tool: Split Point Cloud

• splitting of a point cloud into several datasets based on the values of an attribute field and a user provided interval
• separation of point classes or flight strips
• tiling based on, e.g., GPS time