
LIS Forestry - silvicultural analyses

This package contains tools for forest masking, crown coverage computation, single tree derivation, tree shape metrics, creation of 3D vector models of trees and volume calculations (biomass, stem volume). Applications include silvicultural analyses and management and the creation of map layers for tree cadastres.

Tool: Crown Coverage and Forest Mask

• calculation of crown coverage [%]
• derivation of a forest mask
• constraints: tree height, crown coverage, area of a forst stand, area of a forest cleaning, width of a forest stand
• crown coverage maps
• forest mask (forested area, no free-standing trees or hedges)
• map layers

Tool: Single Tree Derivation

• segmentation of Canopy Height Models (CHM)
• derivation of segments representing treetops of single trees
• detection of tree trunk positions
• detection of single trees (position and area)
• input data preparation for the "Tree Shape Metrics" tool

Tool: Single Tree Derivation 3D

• single tree segmentation
• bottom-up approach
• derivation of tree segments
• derivation of tree seeds
• input data preparation for the "Tree Shape Metrics 3D" tool

Tool: Single Tree Derivation 3D [multi-tile]

• single tree segmentation
• bottom-up approach
• works directly on virtual point cloud datasets (multi-tile)
• derivation of tree segments (multi-tile)
• derivation of tree seeds (multi-tile)
• input data preparation for the "Tree Shape Metrics 3D" tool
• mass data processing

Tool: Tree DBH Monitoring

• monitoring of the diameter at breast height (DBH) for a given set of tree positions through multiple point cloud epochs
• circle detection and computation of the DBH for each epoch
• monitoring of tree growth
• calculation of DBH

Tool: Tree Segment Aware Overlap Removal

• adaptive removal of tile overlap, each tree is completely within one tile
• removal of tile overlap after tree segmentation
• mass data processing

Tool: Tree Shape Metrics

• area-wide calculation of shape metrics of single trees
• metrics: x,y coordinates of treetop, tree height, crown area, crown radius (approx.), crown diameter (approx.), shape ratio
• filter options: area and shape ratio (e.g. removal of elongated segments)
• outputs: treetops (point shapes layer), centroids (point shapes layer) and boundaries (polygon shapes layer)
• area-wide mapping of tree shape metrics
• tree cadastres
• map layers

Tool: Tree Shape Metrics 3D

• reconstruction of tree architecture
• creation of 3D vector models of trees
• 3D point shapes layer with tree positions, 3D skeleton (line) shapes layer, 3D pipe (polygon) shapes layer
• parameters derived: radius, diameter, slice area, volume, hierarchy, ...
• derivation of 3D vector models of trees
• derivation of tree metrics
• detailed geometrical forest models
• wood volume and biomass estimations

Tool: Tree Shape Metrics 3D [multi-tile]

• reconstruction of tree architecture
• creation of 3D vector models of trees
• 3D point shapes layer with tree positions, 3D skeleton (line) shapes layer, 3D pipe (polygon) shapes layer
• parameters derived: radius, diameter, slice area, volume, hierarchy, ...
• derivation of 3D vector models of trees
• derivation of tree metrics
• detailed geometrical forest models
• wood volume and biomass estimations

Tool: Tree Trunk Slicing

• measurement of tree trunk tapering
• multi-slice diameter extraction from the bottom to the top of each tree
• output: diameter profile for each individual tree
• measurement of tree trunk tapering
• calculation of DBH

Tool: Tree Trunk and DBH Detection

• tree trunk detection within a highly detailed forest point cloud
• circle detection and computation of the diamenter at breast height (DBH)
• outputs: tree positions (point shapes layer) and DBH attributes
• detection of tree trunks
• calculation of DBH
• creation of seed points for the "Single Tree Derivation 3D" tool

Tool: Tree Trunk and DBH Detection [multi-tile]

• tree trunk detection within a highly detailed forest point cloud
• circle detection and computation of the diamenter at breast height (DBH)
• outputs: tree positions (point shapes layer) and DBH attributes
• works directly on virtual point cloud datasets (multi-tile)
• detection of tree trunks (multi-tile)
• calculation of DBH (multi-tile)
• creation of seed points for the "Single Tree Derivation 3D" tool
• mass data processing

Tool: Volume Model (Grid): Calibration

• calibration of a volume model from reference sample plots by multiple linear regression analysis
• analysis of four height slices (user defined thresholds)
• input: Canopy Height Model (CHM) raster data set, sample plot center points with reference data
• volume model calibration from raster data and forest plot information
• input data preparation for grow stock or biomass mapping

Tool: Volume Model (Grid): Mapping

• calculation of volume in each cell of a canopy height model raster
• volume estimation by multiple linear regression analysis
• analysis of four height slices (user defined thresholds)
• input: Canopy Height Model (CHM) raster data set, calibration coefficients
• volume mapping (e.g., stem volume, biomass, ...)
• creation of biomass map layers
• biomass estimation and monitoring

Tool: Volume Model (PC): Calibration

• calibration of a volume model from reference sample plots by multiple linear regression analysis
• analysis of four height slices (user defined thresholds)
• input: point cloud with normalized z attribute (CHM), sample plot center points with reference data
• volume model calibration from point cloud data and forest plot information
• input data preparation for grow stock or biomass mapping

Tool: Volume Model (PC): Mapping

• calculation of volume for each point in a point cloud
• volume estimation by multiple linear regression analysis
• analysis of four height slices (user defined thresholds)
• input: point cloud with normalized z attribute (CHM), calibration coefficients
• volume mapping (e.g., stem volume, biomass, ...)
• creation of biomass map layers
• biomass estimation and monitoring