
LIS Conversion - spatial data type conversions

This package contains tools for various spatial data type conversions like point cloud to shapes or rasters (and vice versa, including a lot of additional features like different interpolation methods, statistical aggregation, point cloud normalization and classification) and tools for bounding box generation from data in different formats.

Tool: Create Points on Polygons

• creation of a point cloud from polygons
• place regularly spaced points on the surface of 2.5D/3D polygons
• convert polygons to a regularly spaced point cloud
• model to point cloud comparison (preprocessing step for a point cloud to point cloud distance measurement)
• creation of artificial points on polygons of (water) surfaces

Tool: Create Trajectory Point Cloud from Line

• creation of trajectory point clouds from a line shapes layer
• user defined horizontal point spacing
• user defined vertical point spacing (from baseline), optional
• easy creation of trajectories
• input for the 'Map Point Cloud to Scanner' tool (direction/position)

Tool: Get Extent of ASCII Files as Shapes

• creation of a polygon shapes layer from one or several ASCII files
• polygon shapes are describing the bounding box of each dataset
• attribute table reports simple point statistics and point density
• columns in the input files can be in any order (files must match each other)
• header can be skipped; support of various field separators (tabulator, space or comma)
• creation of tile shapes describing the spatial extent
• report of point count, simple statistics and point density (BBox)

Tool: Get Extent of LAS/LAZ Files as Shapes

• creation of a polygon shapes layer from one or several LAS/LAZ files
• polygon shapes are describing the bounding box of each dataset
• attribute table reports min/max elevation and point density
• creation of tile shapes describing the spatial extent
• report of point count, simple statistics and point density (BBox)

Tool: Get Extent of SAGA Point Cloud Files as Shapes

• creation of a polygon shapes layer from one or several SAGA Point Cloud files
• polygon shapes are describing the bounding box of each dataset
• attribute table reports min/max elevation and point density
• creation of tile shapes describing the spatial extent
• report of point count, simple statistics and point density (BBox)

Tool: Get Extent of Shapes as Shapes

• creation of a polygon shapes layer from one or several shapes layers
• polygon shapes are describing the bounding box of each dataset
• attribute table reports min/max elevation and shape count
• creation of tile shapes describing the spatial extent
• creation of a data catalog

Tool: Grid to Point Cloud (TIN)

• conversion of a raster data set to a point cloud based on triangulation
• thinning of the TIN during the conversion, optional
• thinning is controlled by a deviation tolerance to the original
• detection of points with high curvature, e.g., breaklines, optional
• output of the (thinned) TIN as 3D polygon shapes layer, optional
• raster to point cloud conversion
• raster to TIN conversion
• optional thinning, e.g., bare earth model

Tool: Point Cloud Height Slices to Contours

• conversion of point cloud height slices (elevation bands) to 3D contour line shapes layer
• vertex densification, optional
• interpolation methods to densify the spacing along the contour lines: linear, Catmull-Rom splines, Hermite
• creation of 3D contour lines from point cloud data

Tool: Point Cloud from Grid(s)

• conversion of a raster to a point cloud (grid node to point)
• attachment of cell values of additional raster data sets as point attributes
• raster to point cloud conversion
• optional attachment of additional attributes from grid stack

Tool: Point Cloud from Shapes

• conversion of a shapes layer (2D or 3D) to a point cloud
• optional attachment of shapes layer attributes
• format conversion

Tool: Point Cloud from Table

• conversion of a table with x,y,z coordinates to a point cloud
• optional conversion of additional attributes
• table columns can be in any order
• conversion of tabular data to a point cloud

Tool: Point Cloud to Grid

• conversion of a point cloud to a raster data set based on univariate statistics per grid cell
• binning of a user specified point cloud attribute, e.g., elevation, intensity
• supported aggregate functions: number of points (n), minimum, maximum, data range, sum, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, variance, coefficient of variation, median, percentile, skewness, trimmed mean, point with lowest/highest elevation, number of unique values
• filtering based on attribute value and/or elevation range, e.g., intensity above threshold, only ground points
• instead of binning per cell a search radius can be used, optional
• creation of raster data sets from point cloud data, e.g., DSM, intensity
• statistical measures, e.g., point density, median, standard deviation

Tool: Point Cloud to Grid (Moving Planes)

• conversion of a point cloud to a raster data set based on moving planes
• plane fitting into the local point neighborhood by measuring the errors either vertically or orthogonally
• local neighborhood (2D) is defined by search radius or kNN
• the height of the plane at the grid node is assigned as cell value
• trimming of the z-distribution in the local neighborhood by percentiles, optional
• filtering based on attribute value range, optional
• output of plane fitting quality (standard deviation), optional
• creation of raster data sets from point cloud data, e.g., DEM from ground points
• standard deviation raster can be used for Level of Detection (LoD) computation in DEMs of Difference (DoD) analyses

Tool: Point Cloud to Grid (TIN)

• conversion of a point cloud to a raster data set based on triangulation (linear interpolation)
• filtering based on attribute value range, e.g., classification, optional
• optional on-the-fly point cloud normalization based on the gridded attibute, e.g., elevation (height above ground), attached as new point cloud attribute
• optional on-the-fly point cloud classification based on a difference threshold to the TIN
• the distance to the TIN is measured either as minimum distance or along the plumb line
• tile-based processing of the point cloud dataset (reduction of computational requirement), optional
• creation of raster data sets from point cloud data, e.g., DEM from ground points
• gridding of user-defined attributes (linear interpolation)
• point cloud normalization
• point cloud classification

Tool: Point Cloud to Shapes

• conversion of a point cloud to a point shapes layer
• format conversion

Tool: TIN to Spaced Point Cloud

• interpolation of a point cloud at regular intervals from a TIN provided as 3D polygon shapes layer
• spatial reference and point spacing of the point cloud are either derived from a user defined spacing and the extent of the TIN or a grid data set
• attachment of an additional attribute from the shapes layer to the point cloud, optional
• creation of a point cloud with regular spacing from a TIN data set
• exact alignment of data set to an existing grid for later conversion to raster